Sexuality: Man and woman were created by God as distinct acts of creation, and that being male and female they were created in His own image (Gen 1:27; 2:7; 18-19). Marriage is the joining of these distinct genders into one flesh and is Holy unto God to the be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth (Gen 1:28) . Thus marriage originated by God between one man and one female (a monogoimous not pologomimous ordinance before God).
Sex within marriage is pure and honorable, while sex outside marriage is sinful and unacceptable to God (Heb 13:4). Thou shall not commit adultery, protects the sexual realtionship between a man and woman united in marriage by forbidding marital infidelity, pre=marital sex, homosexuality, bestiality, and the use of pornography (Ex 20:14).
Outside of biblical marriage, God's standard for sex is celebacy saying "no" to both heterosexual and omosexual lusts (Matt 5:27-230). Celibacy, a gift of God, allows unmarried to live life in purity and contentment, not having to engage in sex to have a full satisfhying life (1 Cor 7:7-9).
Homosexual behavior is defined by God as against nature - the natural use of man and woman (Romans 1:24-28). Like other sexual temptations to sin, homosexual lust is highly addictive and diffcult to stop. However, God's grace is sufficient to forgive, cleanse and deliver but does not guarantee that the homosexual will develop heterosexual feelings. Still, he or she may live a celibate life (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).